The Week Before Christmas
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house,
Recruitment was working like a busy little mouse.
Resumes were submitted to the client with care,
In hopes that offers soon would be there.
The Partners were frantic and had much to dread,
While visions of low profits danced in their heads.
With free cokes in the kitchen (but really wanting beer on tap),
The recruiters were exhausted and each needed a nap
When out in reception there arose such a clatter,
Recruiting sprang from their seats to see what was the matter.
They ran to the front quicker than a flash,
Fearing it was a candidate demanding more cash.
When what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But candidates pouring in from both far and near.
More rapid than eagles the resumes came,
As they applied from firms with a reputable name.
On E&Y, BDO, Deloitte and KPMG,
On Grant Thornton, Moss Adams and PwC.
They had all quit their jobs and heeded the call,
To work for McGladrey, each, one and all.
Jackie spoke not a work but went straight to her work,
Handing out applications and going over the perks.
Then Bill laid a finger aside of his nose,
Working on ways to get each candidate to close.
While Alan did interviews and then heard a grumble in his belly,
It was now 11:30 and he was off to the deli.
Jennifer was excited to know cold calls would stop,
As candidates were accepting and the pipeline did pop.
Managers, Supervisors, and Seniors had been hired,
It was exactly the outcome that the client had desired.
Jim was pleased with how the recruiters stepped up to the task,
Despite thinking they spend their days just drinking from a flask.
But they heard him exclaim as in his Porsche, he drove out of site,
Merry Christmas to all and keep sourcing tonight!
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house,
Recruitment was working like a busy little mouse.
Resumes were submitted to the client with care,
In hopes that offers soon would be there.
The Partners were frantic and had much to dread,
While visions of low profits danced in their heads.
With free cokes in the kitchen (but really wanting beer on tap),
The recruiters were exhausted and each needed a nap
When out in reception there arose such a clatter,
Recruiting sprang from their seats to see what was the matter.
They ran to the front quicker than a flash,
Fearing it was a candidate demanding more cash.
When what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But candidates pouring in from both far and near.
More rapid than eagles the resumes came,
As they applied from firms with a reputable name.
On E&Y, BDO, Deloitte and KPMG,
On Grant Thornton, Moss Adams and PwC.
They had all quit their jobs and heeded the call,
To work for McGladrey, each, one and all.
Jackie spoke not a work but went straight to her work,
Handing out applications and going over the perks.
Then Bill laid a finger aside of his nose,
Working on ways to get each candidate to close.
While Alan did interviews and then heard a grumble in his belly,
It was now 11:30 and he was off to the deli.
Jennifer was excited to know cold calls would stop,
As candidates were accepting and the pipeline did pop.
Managers, Supervisors, and Seniors had been hired,
It was exactly the outcome that the client had desired.
Jim was pleased with how the recruiters stepped up to the task,
Despite thinking they spend their days just drinking from a flask.
But they heard him exclaim as in his Porsche, he drove out of site,
Merry Christmas to all and keep sourcing tonight!
Happy Holidays!!!!!
That's wonderful!
Have a great 2008!
Hi LoriAnn, we tagged you with a "Roar for good writing" award over at The DHX - http://www.thedhx.com/2008/01/11/roar/ - we hope you'll share your writing tips, too!
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