Friday, February 17, 2006

What Would You Do With A Billion Dollars?

I attend this amazing church located in West Covina, CA, Faith Community Church, I learned about Faith Community through a friend of mine. Interestingly enough, I wasn't even aware he attended church, only to find he was a member of what I consider a church that totally "ROCKS". This past Sunday, our pastor, Pastor Jim Reeves, posed an appealing question; "What would you do with a billion dollars?" Instantly, all kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. After making the usual investments, paying off all of my bills, and of course, donating to my church, I came up with the follow ten things I'd most like to do:

1) Pay off all of my family members' bills and mortgages, as well as put a little money in each person's savings account as a nest egg.

2) I've always had a dream of running a camp program that catered to under-privileged children, wholly supported through the generosity of local churches and corporations. The goal of the camp would be to provide an amazing camp experience for children who wouldn't normally have the opportunity to attend camp, as well as the chance to have a few of weeks of sheer fun. Additonally, they would foster new friendships, and learn valuable life skills to better equip them for the future.

3) Relocate the remainder of my immediate family to Southern CA. I adore my family, but unfortunately, half are on the East Coast and the other half are here on the West Coast. It would be great to have us all geographically closer.

4) Start an organization that enables homeless people to get off of the streets, into a vocation and provides special housing, for those genuinely working hard to get back on their feet.

5) To fund programs in children's orphanages that helps each child realize that they indeed have a special place in this world, that they are precious beings, and add value to humankind. To instill the hope that no matter what obstacles they may be facing, they can still achieve their greatest dreams.

6) Take all of the teachers that my son has had the good fortune of learning under their tutelage, and treat them to a weekend spa retreat, as a heartfelt thank you for all of the love and training they've poured into my child.

7) Give my gardener a nice, fat bonus, just because!

8) Drive down Colorado Boulevard to find that woman who's walking (because she has no car) with a stroller and three additional children in tow. I'd take her and the kids shopping as well as pay off her bills. You know the woman I'm talking about. She's the one who's exhausted from the kids, housework, giving of herself to everyone but herself and lays awake at night wondering how she's going to make ends meet.

9) Take my son on that tropical vacation we've been talking about the past three years; however, it wouldn't be complete w/out having all of my family with us.

10) I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't say I'd probably buy a really cool pair of shoes, but only if they're on sale. My mother would kill me if I paid full price, even with a billion dollars in the bank.

It's an interesting question to pose to oneself. Think about it. Write down a list of what you'd do. You may be surprised by your answers. Pose the question to your friends. I have, and it has garnered some very interesting, in some cases, inspiring, answers. The common thread, I noticed, in everyone's list of what they they'd do, was an innate desire to help others in need. I was touched by the genuine, heartfelt nature my circle of friends possesses. My admiration of their generosity and selflessness was once again elevated.

It's interesting to note that even without a billion dollars, how truly rich I am. I am rich in family, rich in friends and utterly rich in love, faith and joy. Happily, these are elements of my life that I consider to be truly priceless.

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