I awoke early last Saturday morning, with my Garage Project Plan in hand. I had a preliminary checklist – (i.e. purchase three steel, 5-tiered shelves, large plastic containers, organizing supplies, and call a family member and let them know I was “going in” .. just in case they hadn’t heard from me in a few days, they’d know where to look, etc.) I even engaged in a healthy breakfast of strawberries and cold Kung Pao Chicken. That’s right, the garage breakfast of champions. Had you seen the disastrous state of my garage, one might have argued that I also double check my health and life insurance policies in the event I was seriously injured or worse. I was confident I would emerge from my garage overhaul at least semi-conscience and with all of my appendages in tack, that I chose to forgo checking my insurances. However, I may have recited The 23rd Psalm, as well as a few poems by Sri Chinmoy on courage, during my first few grueling hours in the garage.
As my garage cleaning expedition continued, I uncovered several boxes containing relics from my past. Trophies, trinkets, old writings, school pictures revealing a horrible sense of fashion, letters from old friends and a wooden squirrel knickknack, with a clock in its stomach. (A really bad wedding gift, from 15 years ago, that I never had the heart to throw away… until this past weekend.) I’m almost certain I may have also found Jimmy Hoffa behind my tool cabinet. It’s always exhilarating to see what treasures one might unearth when tackling the arduous task of a good garage cleaning; which, by the way, took three solid days to complete.
I had initially pulled out my Wynona Judd cd’s to play during my cleaning expedition. Wynona and I have tackled many a household projects together. When I plugged in my CD/AM/FM radio player, I was thrilled to find out that KBig105 was sponsoring a “Disco Favorites Weekend”. Having grown up in the Disco era, I was immediately propelled back to a simpler time in my life. As ABBA, Gloria Gaynor, The Bee Gees, Barry White and Donna Summer blared from my radio; I was flooded with countless, fun memories of my junior high and high school days. One could never have had enough headbands, mood rings, Lycra shorts, wrap skirts, Love’s Baby Soft perfume, and big hair. Hair, I might add, that was jacked to the heavens with layer after layer of Aqua Net. Here I was pouring over relics from my youth and KBig was kind enough to set the ambiance with a Disco Favorite’s Weekend Bonanza. For those of you keeping record, no, I did not call in and request Olivia Newton John’s Xanadu; despite the fact that I was the only one in my high school who enjoyed the movie.
Growing up, I admit that I was one of the fortunate kid’s who enjoyed my junior high and high school years. My circle of friends were the best, both male and female alike. I was considered one of the popular kids, thanks to my acting, writing and singing skills and I never fell victim to the usual peer pressure a lot of kids endure. I believe a lot of this had to do with having a strong conscience and being heavily involved in my local church.
Every Friday afternoon, I would walk to the country store and purchase a Coca-Cola, a Hershey bar w/almonds and a Tiger Beat magazine. I had a raging crush on Erik Estrada. I had the most dreamy poster of him, smiling that gorgeous smile of his, on my bedroom ceiling. This was so he would be the first thing I’d see when I awoke each day, and last think I’d see before I fell asleep. God, I’m such a romantic. Life was truly sweet during these years. My dreams were to get married and have several children. My career goals changed as much as my flavored, Bonne Bell lip gloss (watermelon always got rave reviews). I had entertained everything from being an obstetrical nurse to a Pulitzer Prize winning author. I’m not good with blood, so that ruled out a medical career, however, I still have time to potentially achieve the latter. The whole concept of boys was so new and exciting. It was a time for so many firsts. First crush. First date. First kiss. First heartbreak. Wondering if Erik Estrada would wait for me to graduate college, ask me to marry him and be the mother of his six kids, and live happily ever after in his Bel Air mansion. It was a time for so many dreams and immense potential.
As I stood there in my garage, with Billy Joel jamming in the background, I couldn’t help but survey my life and the paths I had taken. Had I reached my dreams? Had I reached my potential? Was I truly happy with where my life was going? Well, I can finally reveal that unfortunately, Erik Estrada and I never did hook up. I did marry a wonderful man, who took me through a lot of firsts, including, and unfortunately, heartbreak. I did become a mom to an amazing little boy, who remains my greatest accomplishment and joy in life. I don’t live in Bel-Air, but I do consider my home a castle. My career, as a recruiter has brought me tremendous success and opportunities with some of the world’s top companies. I still have a wonderful network of friends that I cherish dearly. Due to being divorced, boys have become fun again. Of course, now they’re men, but the firsts are all the same and the excitement is just as fascinating.
Time hasn’t run out on my dream to be a world class writer, and maybe even win a Pulitzer some day. I believe it’s important to dream bigger than we are. And, every Friday, I venture to my local store, pick up a Coca-Cola, a Hershey Bar w/Almonds, and a People Magazine.
All in all, I can honestly say that I am happy with where my life has taken me. There were many unexpected turns along the way, but with each new path that was forged, new life lessons, successes, joys, and in some cases -- sorrows, were encountered, my life became enriched, and I always emerged a more blessed person. Here’s to another fabulous thirty years.